Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12

G.K. Chesterton noted that education is simply the soul of a society as it is passed from one generation to the next. Pondering this definition leads to view of education, not simply as information, but as the formation of souls. The end of education, then, is not in the knowing but in the use of that knowledge to live in harmony with our God and our neighbors. In short, the training in virtue which allows us acknowledge and fulfill our duties to God, our place, and our people. This can only be done through the acquisition of Wisdom & Truth.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10

Wisdom allows us to recognize not just the difference between good and evil but, more importantly, the difference between the good and the best. Our pursuit of wisdom is to know the Highest Good, our Father, so that we might glorify and enjoy Him forever.

I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” John 14:6

Truth allows us to recognize whether things conform to the reality of the world around us. In the act of creation God has set the boundaries of what is true. In our search of His Word and His world we seek to conform ourselves to that Truth.

“Well, my friends, the final result of the education I want you to give your children,
will be, in a few words, this. They will know what it is to see the sky.
They will know what it is to breathe it. And they will know, best of all,
what it is to behave under it, as in the presence of a Father who is in heaven”
John Ruskin


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